Need Help to Vote my Ideas : Laskar Galuga Eco Warriors

Now, I am still need help from many people to support my project. 

Yesterday, I upload this video in 3 hours. so very long time but I’m Very happy.

In This Post, I just ask all of u (All My Friends) to Voting My project and Idea.

if I Passed this Challenge. I Will be Speaker of TEDxBled, on 18 March in Slovenia (Wish me Luck!)
with program >>>  LASKAR GALUGA Eco Warriors,
all of u can see my videos project in

For Vote you must register and log-in in that website.
#INeedYourSupport 😀

This is my Video describe About Laskar Galuga


This is a subbtitle:

Hello everybody, lets me introduce my self.

My name is Rahmat Nugraha

I am a student College at Bogor Agricultural University Departemen of Management

I am Standing up here in order to  share about my idea and project which has developed since 2010

Let’s me describe about my project, I hope This Project Inspires all of you.


Start from bad environmental status, pollution eminence, and natural Disasters. Many region in Indonesia get the Impact. This condition be the big issues. Not only decreasing the Quality of environment, but also impacting the Quality of healt and life Indonesia Citizen.

So, From this condition, my Friend and me be a team to concern in developing environment and also business activity through LASKAR GALUGA. our idealism is ACT LOCALLY, THINK GLOBALLY!

About Project

This Project name is LASKAR GALUGA, with Tagline : Eco Warriors with Entrepreneurship Spirit. Laskar Galuga have purpose to create a new Creative and Innovative young entrepreneurs to do business activity based on increasing value added of handycraft from material waste.

Objectives of Program Laskar galuga are:

First, Laskar Galuga Concern to developing the new young Community entrepreneurs who has a warriors spirit of environment. so we also can call Laskar Galuga is Environmentalist Entrepreneurship.

Second, Laskar Galuga program is increasing public knowledge about leadership, character building, and knowledge of importance of protencting environment.

Output Program

Laskar Galuga have Vision to Create a community Development who care about environment and business activity in TPA Galuga – Bogor – Indonesia.

Impact on Society

  • if we see from social side, Laskar Galuga has impact to increasing public knowledge of way of processing waste and developing business mindset of Galuga Society. For Better Environment. beside that,
  • if we see from economic side, with supplying product from innovative and creative community based on material waste, exactly product from galuga can make better Revenue for Galuga Society.

So, Increasing Community Welfare is impact from laskar Galuga project.


Lets keep inspire, Change, and Impact for our Society

More Information can get with Following  Twitter :  @LaskarGaluga

and Like Facebook Fan Pages :

A talkative person who loves family, loves traveling, enjoys hobbies, wants to develop life skills, and manages

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