Tag: Reef Tank


Tips for Caring for and Cleaning a Saltwater Aquarium

Tips for Caring for and Cleaning a Saltwater Aquarium. Keeping fish in a saltwater aquarium is much more complicated than freshwater aquarium fish. Mismanagement of a few fish can die, even though the price of fish and the cost of building a saltwater aquarium is much higher. We need to make sure our fish stay […]



Memulai Hobby Aquarium Air Laut

Di tengah PSBB, tentu saya lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu di rumah dibanding di luar rumah. Nah dari hal ini lah akhir-akhir ini, kepincut sama hobby baru yaitu hobby Aquarium Air Laut. Banyak pertanyaan dan banyak harapan tentunya untuk memulai hobby ini. Apalagi setelah melihat aquarium air laut yang diposting sama teman-teman baik di youtube atau […]
